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ESG - Taking Responsibility, Acting Sustainably

As a specialist for high-performance materials, MOESCHTER Group develops, produces and supplies standard and drawing parts based on engineering plastics as well as engineering ceramics. All our activities have an impact on our environment, such as our customers, our neighbors, our employees or the climate.

We work to avoid negative impacts on our environment whenever possible and take responsibility for our corporate actions in all areas. Within our means, we do our part to preserve the world for future generations and act sustainably.

We therefore address the three ESG aspects: Environmental, Social and Governance. We have been awarded an overall ESG maturity score of 77% by the independent company EXCON Services GmbH. We are now analyzing the individual aspects and developing measures to improve our performance.



  • CO2-neutral company
  • Modernization of the vehicle fleet
  • Use of online meetings
  • Reduction of business trips
  • Waste avoidance throughout the entire product life cycle


  • Flexible working time models
  • Mobile Office
  • 15 nationalities under one roof
  • 32% female managers


  • Code of Conduct
  • Fair competition
  • No corruption or bribery
  • Compliance with market restrictions
  • Protection of company assets
  • Transparent accounting



The protection of our environment is particularly close to our hearts. Therefore, we have had our company certified as CO2-neutral in a multi-stage process in cooperation with Climate Extender GmbH. While our CO2 emissions are currently still offset by the purchase of certificates according to the Gold Standard, the modernisation of our own vehicle fleet and cooperation with logistics companies that offer climate-neutral transport are intended to actively reduce emissions.

We use the possibilities of online meetings not only internally, but also when talking to customers, so that we can reduce business trips to a necessary level.

With our products, we already consider the impact on the environment during development and make sure that the creation of waste is avoided in the production and use of the products.



At MOESCHTER Group, we want to create a creative, tolerant and productive atmosphere in which our employees can develop individually and grow beyond themselves. Flexible working time models give our employees the opportunity to optimally combine their professional and private lives. We also offer the option of a mobile office for additional flexibility.

Diversity is anchored in our corporate strategy and thus we unite 15 nationalities under the umbrella of MOESCHTER Group.

Equal opportunities are a top priority for us and it does not matter whether the service is provided by a man or a woman. This is demonstrated by the fact that 32% of management positions are held by a woman.

Download Diversity charter




Responsible, ethically correct and lawful conduct is just as fundamental to the success of MOESCHTER Group as our innovative strength, technical performance, quality and customer orientation.

In our Code of Conduct, we regulate the ethical-legal framework for the actions of all employees, and with their signature they commit themselves to compliance with the principles of conduct. The Compliance Office bridges the gap between law, conscience and culture. We stand up for fair competition, do not tolerate corruption and bribery, and respect national and international market restrictions.

We protect our tangible and intellectual property from loss, theft and misuse because it has significant economic importance for the future of our company. We are very concerned about protecting confidential information, so IT security, data security and data protection are given high priority.

Essential business processes are appropriately documented in the accounting records. Complete, clear and traceable document and file management is therefore a matter of course for us.