MOESCHTER Group signed the Diversity Charter
A new flag has been hanging on the company ground of the MOESCHTER Group for a few days now: The unique logo of the Diversity Charter now decorates the fifth flagpole of the group of companies.
As an official signatory of the Diversity Charter, attention may now be drawn to the company with the Charter logo and the addition "signed".
A corporate culture that is nurtured by appreciation and respect and in which prejudice is given no room is lived.
The Charta der Vielfalt e.V. association is considered the largest employer initiative for the promotion of diversity management in companies and institutions in Germany and was launched jointly by companies and politicians in 2006. The aim of the initiative is a prejudice-free working environment and that all employees - regardless of age, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and world view, sexual orientation and social origin - are valued. More than 4,900 organisations have signed the Diversity Charter to this date. This means that the Diversity Charter represents over 15 million employees.
By signing the certificate, the MOESCHTER Group undertakes to anchor the following principles in its corporate culture:
- the MOESCHTER Group fosters an organisational culture characterised by mutual respect and appreciation.
- the MOESCHTER Group reviews and ensures personnel processes are appropriate for the diverse skills and talents of all employees and future employees.
- the MOESCHTER Group recognises diversity both internally and externally within the group of companies, and will value the potential it contains and use it profitably.
- the MOESCHTER Group will make the contents of the charter the subject of internal and external dialogue.
- in future, the MOESCHTER Group will report annually on its activities and progress in promoting diversity and appreciation.
- the MOESCHTER Group shares information with its employees about the added value of diversity and involves them in the implementation of the charter.
Georgios Kabitoglou, Managing Director of the MOESCHTER Group, comments: "It is my deepest conviction that a safe, respectful, appreciative and, above all, colourful working environment, consisting of a variety of people with the most diverse personalities, backgrounds and skills, forms the basis for success at the MOESCHTER Group. The MOESCHTER Group should be the best place for all employees to realise their personal and professional dreams. When I was allowed to lead this company for the first time in November 2020, the cultural diversity had already excited me. Even I, as a "German with a migration background", had felt very much at home here in Dortmund on Hesslingsweg. We have over 16 cultural backgrounds at our location. This is a fantastic starting point to offer an exciting and mixed working environment. The strength of a company's culture to see people for who they are: People, without judging or interpreting other personal characteristics, is one of the most important frameworks for me, which I do as Managing Director, but also exemplify."